› Presentations and posters available at figshare
› Video of the thank you speech by Fernando T. Maestre on the day of the Inauguration of the Fernando T. Maestre´s Garden in Sax (In Spanish) (20/10/2022)
Video of the thank you speech by Fernando T. Maestre on the day of the inauguration of the Fernando T. Maestre Garden in Sax
› Video summary of the article “Desertifying deserts”.
› Webinar by Fernando Maestre about how to create healthier research environments (30/04/2020).
› Video summary of the article “The proportion of soil-borne pathogens increases with warming at the global scale”.
› Lecture by Fernando Maestre at the University of Valencia about how to create healthier research environments (27/02/2020).
› Video summary of the article “Global ecosystem thresholds driven by aridity” (short version).
› Video summary of the article “Global ecosystem thresholds driven by aridity” (extended version).
> Our climate change experiment at the Aranjuez Experimental Station is highlighted in the reportage of the TV Program Informe Semanal “Actions against climate change“, 27 April 2019 (starts at the minute 2.37).
› Video about our PNAS article and the research we do in the lab (in Spanish).
› Conference “Atributos bióticos y funcionamiento del ecosistema en zonas áridas en un mundo cambiante“. IX Advances in Ecology meeting. CEAB. 16th November 2012.
› Report on drylands broadcasted in the program “Tesis”, Canal Sur 2, 11 March 2012 (in Spanish).
› Enterview with Fernando T. Maestre in the program “La Aventura del Saber”, 28 March 2011 (in Spanish).
› Video about the article “Randomization tests for quantifying species importance to ecosystem function”, published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
› Podcasts from the radio program “Puntos de Vista” (Spanish Public Radio), where Fernando T. Maestre talks about different ecological topics (in Spanish):
- Biocombustibles, 3/7/2009
- Biodiversidad, 12/3/2009
- Cambio climático I, 26/3/2009
- Cambio climático II, 23/4/2009
- Desertificación, 7/5/2009
- Incendios forestales, 18/6/2009
- Microorganismos, 21/01/2010
- Qué es la ecología, 12/2/2009
- Residuos, 4/6/2009
- Restauración de ecosistemas, 21/5/2009
- Servicios ecosistémicos, 26/2/2009
- Zonas áridas, 17/9/2009